Dark Knight Armory 2.0 & Batcave 2.0 Diorama

Enhancements have been made to the Batman Armory by GeeWhiz Customs and it has been expanded to depict the Dark Knight’s subterranean portside hideout in The Dark Knight Movie.

Entitled Batcave 2.0, the scaled model set was entered into the annual diorama contest and was given the “Toycon’s ChoiceAward” in the recently concluded 10th Philippine Toy Convention.

The new Dark Knight Armory features a movie-accurate design with an actual weaponry display included.

The diorama displayed at Toycon was designed using FORCED PESRPECTIVE ( A technique used in film and photography to manipulate our human perception with the use of optical illusions to make objects appear larger, smaller, farther or closer than they actually are.)

This was done to address scaling issues with the actual 1/6th Scale Figures and Batmobil used, as well as to give the illusion that the diorama has a deeper dimension than it actually does.

The monitors were also designed to swivel so that the viewer could see the monitor screens even though it was configured against the natural viewing angle of the diorama for movie accuracy .

The Main Features of the Dark Knight Armory 2.0 Diorama that will be made available to the public include:
•1:6 Scale Movie Accurate Armory Design with assorted crafted Weaponry
•USB Powered LED Top Lights
•Functional Armory Doors with Fixed Weapons Swiveling
•Front Weapons Racks (4-Swiveling, 2 Fixed)
•Costume Mounting Bars
•Cement-like Textured Finish
•Crafted Movie Accurate Bottom Grills
•Empty Batman Head Cowl

The Batcave 2.0 (Bruce Wayne’s Temporary Portside Subterranean Hideout) which had the following features:
•Movie Accurate and configured Subterranean Headquarters with Lighted Grid-Design Ceiling
•Textured Cement-like Walls & Floor Surfaces
•An elevator/ lifter (Can Fit a Mattel Batmobil Tumbler)
•Eight Monitor replicas with glossy mock-up screen display print-outs (with screen-grabs lifted from the movie)
•Monitor Swivel Rack
•Work Tables & Desk
•Lighted Server Roof Section

Optional Top Diorama (Portside Ground Level):
•A Second-level diorama of the Portside Ground Level featuring a Wayne Enterprises Container Van and perimeter fencing

(NOTE: Figures, Accessories and Vehicles not Include on our dioramas)
